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Trademark in Lebanon
The Ministry of Economy & Trade conducted a major legislative campaign to modernize intellectual property laws, in particular Trademarks law and industrial drawings and designs law, to amend some of the provisions of Literary and Artistic property protection law (Copyrights Law), to elaborate a draft law for the protection of Geographical Indication in Lebanon, to prepare for joining a number of international treaties such as the protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the international registration of marks and the International Patent System (PCT).
The most prominent step achieved in the commercial and industrial intellectual property is the emission of Patent Law No.240 on August 7, 2000 and the law of Protection of Literary and Artistic property (Copyrights Law) No. 75 issued on April 3, 1999.
In order to enhance this protection, the Lebanese Republic joined on September 1, 1924 the Paris convention for the protection of Industrial Property, on April 8, 1961 the Nice Agreement for the international classification of goods and services for the purposes of registering trademarks, and on September 1, 1924 the Madrid Agreement for the repression of false or deception indications of source on goods, in addition to other conventions and treaties regarding the Intellectual property.
General Information
- Filing System: Multi-Class Filing System.
- Registrables: trademarks, service marks, collective marks, colour marks, quality marks .
- Time from filing to registration: 2 months.
- Protection (registration) duration: 15 years from filing date.
- Examination type: substantive examination.
- Examination time: 1 week.
- Publications: in the Official Gazette after acceptance.
- Use: a registered mark may be subject for a cancellation action by any interested party if it has not been used for 5 consecutive years.
- Renewal duration: 15 years.
- Method of conducting the search: official search only.
- Time required to complete the search: 4 days.
Filing Requirements
- Power of attorney, certified by the Lebanese consulate.
- A certified copy of the priority document .