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Trademark in Tunisia
Trademarks were set up in Tunisia and several important developments were recorded in order to protect and preserve them.
The Law No. 36 of 2001 is the organizing law for the registration and protection of trademark in accordance with the executive regulations issued by decree No.1934 for 2001.
It issued also a decree number 78 for 2011 concerning licensing the ratification of Tunisia’s joining Madrid Protocol for the international registration of trademarks and its executive regulation. It also joined the Nairobi Treaty (May 21, 1983) on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, the World Intellectual Property Organization on November 28, 1975, the International Nice Classification of Goods and Services for the registration of marks on May 29, 1967, the Hague Agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs and models on October 20, 1930 and is a member of the Paris Conventionfor the Protection of Industrial Property since July 07, 1884.
It issued also a decree number 78 for 2011 concerning licensing the ratification of Tunisia’s joining Madrid Protocol for the international registration of trademarks and its executive regulation. It also joined the Nairobi Treaty (May 21, 1983) on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, the World Intellectual Property Organization on November 28, 1975, the International Nice Classification of Goods and Services for the registration of marks on May 29, 1967, the Hague Agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs and models on October 20, 1930 and is a member of the Paris Conventionfor the Protection of Industrial Property since July 07, 1884.
General Information
- Filing System: Multi-Class Filing System.
- Registrables: trademarks, service marks, collective marks, 3D marks, quality marks.
- Time from filing to registration: 14 months.
- Protection (registration) duration: 10 years from filing date.
- Examination type: formal examination.
- Publications: in the Official Gazette after acceptance.
- Use: a registered mark may be subject for a cancellation action by any interested party if it has not been used for 5 consecutive years.
- Renewal duration: 10 years.
- Method of conducting the search: official search and non-official search.
Filing Requirements
- POA, simply signed
- Copy of priority document, if priority is claimed, certified